Friday, September 24, 2010


It's Fall!
Yippee, yahoo!
This is my most favorite season!
Now, could someone PLEASE tell the weather gods to remove the triple digit temperatures from Northern California! Puh - lease, this girl has got to store her shorts already! Now, I know what you are thinking, AnnE, Hello! You live in NORTHERN California, everyone knows that it's always chilly. Haven't you ever heard that quote from Mark Twain?  "The coldest winter was a summer in San Francisco"?!?! Let me tell you, Mr. Twain, if you would had just gone over the Bay Bridge and through that Caldecott Tunnel, it's hot as Hades in the East Bay. 

Pardon my rants on the micro climates.

Now where was I?  Oh yes, Fall.  Tis the season for pumpkin spice lattes, football and chicken tortilla soup.  Throw in our wedding anniversary and you've got three glorious months! 

Go Badgers! This picture just makes me want to Jump Around!

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