Friday, December 23, 2011

trimming the tree

I love Christmas.  I love everything magical about the season.  And I love traditions.  I come from a family where my mom was serious about her traditions.  Christmas was so wonderful growing up and still is - this year we started a new tradition at my parents - the magical holiday of Thanksmas - that's right the holiday where the pilgrims celebrate the birth of Jesus all in one day - as my nephew says, "Wow, Nana that's a lot of food!"

Mike and I have given each other ornaments every year.  The past three years I have been buying the Crate and Barrel photo ornament (sorry I don't know why my photo isn't clear, just too excited for Santa I guess to keep still these days). Anyway, each ornament has a pendant dangling that denotes the year.  And every pendant has a photo of the picture that we used that year for our Christmas card. I still like to keep an actual card, but it's nice to see photos of us on the tree too!

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