Thursday, August 9, 2012


Not only is Sriracha fun to say, it is also god's gift to scrambled eggs.  I hate lunch. I would rather eat breakfast three times a day.  So I've been on a kick lately of  a 1 egg and 1 egg white scramble with a sprinkle of shredded cheese and some black beans mixed in.  Top it with some Sriracha and it's been my lunch for 12 straight days.  Yep, you can say I'm a big fan.

Target's glass 20 oz. water bottle.  I have been wanting a new water bottle for a really long time - I saw Dusty blog about hers and thought I should check it out. So with a little birthday money, I purchase my own. I'm a big fan that it's dishwasher safe. My last water bottle was an aluminum one that got a bit grungy tasting no matter how much I hand washed it.  I'm so in love with my new water bottle - plus it fits in the cup holder in the car.  Score! (Yes, I am aware I have simple pleasures.)

cookbooks (+1 crochet book) from the library.  I love to look at cookbooks, I find it so relaxing.  Last week while at the library, I decided to grab a few and bring them home.  I rarely actually use them for cooking - however I did pin a few recipes. Pinterest has become my go-to source for meal planning. I love it. It's so easy, I know where all the recipes are and came make a grocery list super quick.  Plus there is typically a picture involved of what I'm going to make.  And I need pictures.

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