Monday, July 27, 2009

Wine Wednesday: Conn Creek

[3 stars]

Conn Creek . Cabernet Sauvignon . Napa

Conn Creek was one of those wines that for some reason was good but just we had it sitting around here for so long without drinking it. It actually worked out in the wine's favor for us because our first impressions were not very good but luckily for us, the wine got better after the first night. The peppery tones were really prevalent after that first night. Conn Creek was a Costco purchase and if I remember right it was about $10 (one would think that I would begin to write that stuff down, but I never seem to remember). All in all, I think we'll get this one again. It's not necessarily one that we'll rave about, just a good one to have on hand.

Also, if you'll and the wine bottles have become a little tired of having pictures taken on our kitchen counter, which is why this time my golf bag is being featured in the background. I am proud to say that for the first time in my 29 years, I am fully equipped to play golf. Yes, that's right it took until I had all the goods for me to like it! Now my pretty bag, clubs, shoes and golf glove have hit the links more this year than the last 5 years combined. Now I just need to bring my camera with me to take pictures of the scenery.

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