Wednesday, January 19, 2011

wine: decoy

Who doesn't want to drink the wine for the well informed?  We picked this wine up at the grocery store because it is part of the Duckhorn family of wines - you may remember our most favorite winery experience that included cheese at Paraduxx (see our experience at Paraduxx here)  - also part of the Duckhorn family of wines.  We were very impressed with the wines of Paraduxx, so we figured Decoy would be just as tasty.  Boy, were we right. 

[3.82 stars]
This wine was really good.  It had that "just from the winery" type taste...and I think the only way to explain that feeling is to come visit us and we'll take you to Napa.  But if that isn't in the stars, then the next best way to understand that "just from the winery" wine taste - I think it's having the oak-i-ness smell and taste that transforms you from your living room couch to the winery where the barrels are located just several feet away.  If you haven't already guessed, I really really like going to wineries, so when a wine can beam me up to Napa, I'm sold.  I must apologize that I don't know the price of this one, but I do know that we picked this one up when Mike was grocery shopping with me, so that typically means our price per bottle goes up ever so slightly...and we get Toaster Strudels. 
 Neither one of them I'll complain about. 

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