Monday, April 30, 2012

A guy

If you have ever watched "How I Met Your Mother" you'd know that Barney (Doogie Howser...aka Neil Patrick Harris) always has a guy for everything. You need a guy to tailor your clothes, you need a guy to make your 8-adjective long coffee drink (my coffee drink at Peet's is just about that wordy) and so on... So when we went to the farmer's market last weekend and tasted the most delicious oranges in the entire universe, I was hooked.  The taste alone meant that I would be back every weekend to buy more oranges, however the part that totally made this man my orange guy was that when I paid him for the bag of oranges, he said, "Thank you for choosing me."  And with that,  I have an orange growing farmer's market guy.

Side notes:
PS - I believe Mike and I have been living under a rock as we just started watching "How I Met Your Mother"...and we love it.  Seriously where have we been?  Actually where were you to tell us, start watching this show now.  pronto.  I blame you.  In the nicest way possible.

PPS - I once wrote a letter to Neil Patrick Harris - during his Doogie Howser days.  I thought we would be pals.  He liked science.  I liked science.  It totally made sense.

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