Wednesday, October 13, 2010

wine: Sebastiani

I like this wine for the label and the very first taste, but then I took another sip and thought....

Hmm, Time to move on, Should I pour this down the drain (*gasp*), Is there any old OJ in the frig that could be fermented? I know! I have hummingbird juice! Let's drink that!

I think "wine people" like to call wines that have no lingering taste as "good for having this wine with food".  Frankly, to me, that's code word for "This wine has no taste." 
OK, I may be a bit harsh. There is a taste, but it disappears so quickly that you forget that you were just drinking a glass of wine.  I'm just not sold. At all.

But, did you see that cute label? The Family Tree! The beautiful fall colors! Isn't it the best? It is so perfect for bedazzling your fall-inspired dining table - just stick a candle in it and serve up some of that Menage a Trois to actually drink.

[score: 1.47 stars]

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