Thursday, July 21, 2011

great news!

[castello di amorosa]


While doing some research on Napa Valley wineries with cave tours, I stumbled upon a blog called The Wine Lounge.  Clearly, I knew it was right up my alley, so I decided to check it out - and now you should too! You see, they have a contest to win some wine just by submitting a photo (or two...I like to over share). So I submitted a two pictures, because you know me, I couldn't pass up the opportunity to win a few free bottles of wine.  And guess what?  They've published a few of my favorite pictures over on their blog. Isn't that nice of them?!?!

Now, I haven't won any wine yet, but seeing my pictures on somebody's blog (that's not mine) just makes me feel like I should go reward myself with a glass of's too early. I'll wait. But you shouldn't (not the drinking wine part, well you do that too if you want, but what you should really do now is go check out my pictures!) 

What are you waiting for? Go. Go. Go.

Just click the link below:
The Wine Lounge

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