Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Wine: Mondavi Zinfandel

We went to Safeway one day to get a whole gaggle of groceries. We had nothing but lasagna noodles and no tomato based products of any kind. We were eating stale crackers. So, clearly the logical next step is to get food. Real food. Healthy food.
Instead, we bought the world's largest jug o' wine (and some gouda and reduced fat wheat thins, which by the way, satisfies all the food groups.)
It doesn't look it, but this is a big jug. Luckily it was a good big jug of wine. Because you'd hate to toss an entire 2L of wine down the drain. It's just not right.

[3.64 stars]
This wine has boatloads of raspberry and cherry flavors. It doesn't have the bitey bite (yes, that is a technical term) that we like, but the flavor was good, especially for the 2L size. And you know what, it was good the entire time that it was sitting on our counter.
on another note ~
Oh yes...and you what?!?! This is my 100th post! Fitting that it's just about 1 year since I started AND it's a post about wine. Mmm, wine. Thank you for reading the 100 times I've babbled on the internet.
I really I like when other blogs celebrate their milestone posts with a recap of 100 things about them or 100 reasons to love their blog. I'll get to that...just not on this particular day. That takes time and thought. I'll have to prepare.

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