Of all my 2011 resolutions, my tip top most important resolution should be:
AnnE, when you drink a bottle of wine...write down what it tastes like! That way when a few weeks pass and a few different bottles have all been put in the recycling bin (well, we drink them before we recycle them, of course!), you can actually remember what a specific bottle tastes like!
I promise from now on, I'm sticking to that resolution. Really. I will. I haven't exactly kept any of the other resolutions I set for myself, so this is the least I can do. I do it for you. Really I do.
Since I can't for the life of me remember anything about this bottle, other than the fact that it was OK, not great, but drinkable. To be honest, it was a bit of a let down because their winery is absolutely fantastic. We picked this one out because we really like their winery, however it's always been one of those winery stops that we go to after we're kinda ready for lunch and don't need to try another wine. They have chickens wandering the premises.
How fun is that!?!
And if the roaming chickens aren't cool enough, the landscaping and scenery can't be beat. I can't for the life of me find the pictures I have taken during our visits to Ferrari-Carano, I've included a picture below from their website. Be sure to check out their website, they have so many beautiful pictures and they practice sustainable farming! Hello! I totally dig sustainable farming AND I love wine! This is truly a winery after my own heart.
Thank you to the Ferrari-Carano website for the picture...learn more about the winery and view more pictures here.
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