Wednesday, October 9, 2013

stuff I'm digging....

It's pumpkin season! Holla! No need to say any more. 

We are typically Lemon Verbena folks (actually, Mike is still a Lemon Verbena only fan), but I'm a big fan the radish scent.  I haven't stopped to smell too many radishes in my life, but if they smell like Mrs. Meyers soap, I probably should take the time to stop and smell the radishes more often.  

I like the benefits (i.e. super hydrating) of coconut water but hate drinking just plain coconut water.  It's just plain old gross with a capital G. Coco Cafe however is another story. This stuff is delicious. I've heard that they sell it at Costco, but darn if I walked every inch of 2 different Costcos and have yet to find it. So, if anyone could create a Costco app that pinpoints the exact location of the Coco Cafe, that would be great.  And while you are at it, can you also include where the salsa is?  I have the hardest time finding that too. That stuff is fantastic (the Kirkland Organic Medium Salsa -- which by the way I've finally figured out that they are putting the salsa in with the Organic section of Costco these days, but I'm still on a mission to find the Coco Cafe.)

Microfiber dusting cloths. I hate dusting.  My mom does too (genetic run deep, even into deep cleaning).  I am constantly putting off dusting the apartment...until now that is.  I've always used some sort of Pledge spray but I find that our super awesome vinyl flooring becomes super slippery after I've sprayed the dusting spray on my cloth (even if I'm as far away as I can be from the vinyl flooring, it always becomes slippery.) So because of:
a. my hatred for dusting
b. my hatred to slipping every time I walk into the kitchen (where the vinyl floors are). 

I just stopped dusting altogether.  Which is fine, in theory, until you can see the layer of filth in which we call home and then it's time to do something. 

Enter the Mickey Mouse glove (as pictured above):

I've had these cloths around forever but never realized that you were supposed to add a bit of water to the cloth to actually make this a serious dust picker-upper, not just a dust-mover-arounder.  (Those are all real words, people.)

Now that I learned that! Hello! I'm a dusting fool! It might help that I think I turn into Mickey Mouse every time I put the dusting glove on.  

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